- Context-Free Language контекстно-независимый язык
English-Russian dictionary of computer abbreviations and terms. 2014.
English-Russian dictionary of computer abbreviations and terms. 2014.
CFL — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Las siglas CFL pueden hacer referencia a: Canadian Football League o Liga de Fútbol Canadiense. Compact Fluorescent Lamp o Lámpara Compacta Fluorescente. Obtenido de CFL Categoría: Wikipedia:Desambiguación … Wikipedia Español
CFL — may refer to the following:In football:* Canadian Football League, a professional sports league located in Canada that plays Canadian football. * Calcutta Football League, the football league where several football clubs of the Indian town of… … Wikipedia
.cfl — [Abk. für CorelFlow], Erweiterung einer Datei, die eine Tabelle oder ein Diagramm enthält, das mit CorelFlow erzeugt wurde … Universal-Lexikon
CFL — sigla Contratto di Formazione Lavoro … Dizionario italiano
CFL — abbrev. Canadian Football League … English World dictionary
CFL 16 — Baureihe DSB MY, MX; NSB Di 3 SNCB 202, 203, 204 (52, 53, 54), CFL 16, MAV M61 Nummerierung: DSB MY 1101–1159, MX 1001–1045 NSB Di 3.602–3.633, 3.641–3.643 MÁV M61 001–020 SNCB 202.001–202.018, 203.001–203.019, 204.001–204.004 CFL 1601–1604… … Deutsch Wikipedia
CFL — Die Abkürzung CFL steht für: Chemins de Fer Luxembourgeois, die luxemburgische Staatsbahn Caminhos de Ferro de Luanda, eine Eisenbahngesellschaft in Angola Canadian Football League CFL Zahl in der numerischen Mathematik, nach den Mathematikern… … Deutsch Wikipedia
CFL — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Sigles d’une seule lettre Sigles de deux lettres > Sigles de trois lettres Sigles de quatre lettres … Wikipédia en Français
CFL — Canadian Football League. * * * CFL 7 [CFL] [ˌsiː ef ˈel] [ˌsiː ef ˈel] abbreviation Canadian Football League (the organization of professional football teams in Canada) … Useful english dictionary
CFL on CBC — Format Sports Starring Elliotte Friedman Mark Lee Chris Walby Sean Millington Greg Frers Khari Jones … Wikipedia
CFL on CTV — Format Sports Starring The CFL on CTV game commentators Country of origin Canada Production Running time 360 minutes+ … Wikipedia